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Preparing for the Future of Your Digital Supply Chain

The integrity of data assets can be complicated when an organization undergoes even a very successful merger or acquisition. When Olin, an American manufacturer of ammunition, chlorine, and sodium hydroxide, needed to quickly integrate systems and assets from Dow’s chemical chlorine division, significant considerations had to be taken to address EHS risks associated with the chlor-alkali business. Understanding its asset management footprint and driving safety best practices were critical, especially as it embarked on a digital journey to SAP S/4HANA®. Olin turned to Utopia’s solutions, SAP Master Data Governance, enterprise asset management extension by Utopia and SAP Asset Information Workbench by Utopia to address a lack of formal data standards (functional location, equipment, rules, and hierarchies) within its existing SAP Plant Maintenance environment and the alignment of the standards that were being leveraged by the acquired chlor-alkali assets. Connecting multiple systems of record and creating a network of well-designed digital twins of its assets, Olin has the potential to significantly improve enterprise decision-making and enable a more agile, efficient, and effective digital supply chain.

Key Business Benefits:

  • Standardized data
  • Increased supply chain efficiency
  • Connected multiple systems of record
Supply Chain
  • Joe Tolbert
    Director, Chlor-Alkali Materials, Olin Chemicals
  • Jeffrey Topel
    Client Executive, Utopia Global